It's been a few months since we last worked on the garden, we'd moved out while the builders moved in and made room in the house for our new arrival - due 01.11.10! Nick decided it was time to put some serious hard labour in on the garden before uncleing duties took up all his free time, so it was down to the hire shop and welcome back to our little friend - the electric breaker.

Going back in time to 2008, you can see where we broke out the old concrete patio. We did the front and the sides but have now realised that we need to take some more out at the back for the foundations of our new mini patio and to give the lawn enough depth to grow. That giant pile of rock is reminding me of another past MegaGarden episode, involving about 10 back breaking trips to the tip.

This is going to be the site of the new mini-patio. Finally put to rest that awkward question about what to do with edging along the side of next door's shed. Currently made out of hexagonal paving slabs and bits of slate - lovely!

C'mon Dad, get your back into it!

Only slightly less amazing than a Millenium Falcon landing ramp, this lovely old steel advert for Royal Daylight Oil (with Eccles phone number) was found just inches beneath the soil.

Big pile of timber and whatnot, includng leftovers from the Mushroom growing experiment (wonder how they are getting on) which may be used as replacement bannisters, or maybe keep us warm over the winter.

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