Sunday, July 15, 2012



We've just returned from a week in Wales. Unfortunately it was pretty drizzly all week but we did get down to the beach every day when there was a couple of hours of sunshine. Paul and Tom did a couple of days finishing off the wall and the paths while we were away, and a very nice job they did too. Check out that curve!

There's the bottom path, even filled the gap with yellow gravel. Nice touch!

And now we have a nice path up to the top garden. I think i'd like the walls to be a little bit higher, so they reach a higher level than the path. Maybe another course of stone or some coping will do the trick.

Unfortunately, down below - Houston we have a problem. The rain seems to be running off the top flagged path, pouring through the gravel and down between the concrete back-fill and the facing stones, then squirting out of whatever holes it finds. I think we're going to have to seal the top somehow and find somewhere else for the water to go.

Coming out under the BBQ.

Creeping through the blocks under the counter too.

Even managing to get past the defences of the lead flashing. Think we're going to have to have a bit of a re-think about rainproofing. Ah, the great British Summer.

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