Saturday, June 5, 2010

The end is nigh

It's a scorching day in Kerridge. David the owner agrees to let us fill the car boot for £15 - BONUS.

He was hovering around while I started picking out a few suitable flat bits (think he was going to bump the price up for nicking all his 'crazy paving') but I was taking so long that he decided to go back to his house, letting me have a good rummage.

Filling up nicely, should make finishing off the last course a breeze.

Nick turns up and decides to get a quick bit of yoga in.

Empty the mind...

...and HUP

This is what it would look like if Kickboxer had been filmed in Macclesfield.

We decide that while we're here, we may as well pick up the end bits for the coping, we need 14" square bases and search the whole quarry for some tasty specimens.

I'm not sure if the car is going to have any suspension or exhaust by the time I get down the quarry path.

Just as we're about to make an exit, the owner comes back and rumbles us. I think we were being a bit cheeky with a 'car boot full' but he lets us have the lot for £25. I can't believe that I bought a boot-liner to 'protect the car interior'.

When the wall is a little bit older and asks 'where did I come from Daddy?' I can show him this photo.

I dream of having one of these one day!

Time to stick a couple of the big ones in Nick's boot to save what's left of the suspension on the way home.

Quick check of the map and we're off.

In a repeat of day one of MegaGarden we had to cart all that stone up the hill round the side of the house and launch it over the back wall. Luckily this time Mike next door lent us his wheelbarrow but it was still a case of drinking a pint of water after each journey there and back. One of the big stones cracked when it got chucked onto what was left of the concrete floor, but there should be enough left of it to work with.

First piece going on! Ideal platform for putting brews on to. Looks great from this side too.

Not quite right from the front though, where it has been sawn...

15 minutes of whacking with a hammer later and some carefully placed moss and it almost looks like it will fit in. David #2 at the quarry (the one who does all the work) suggests chucking yoghurt onto stones to speed up the weathering process, but he didn't say what flavour.

Got all my new stones nicely laid out to finish off the right hand side of the wall. It does feel a bit like cheating at this point as there's no lumpy ones to deal with but I think I deserve a bit of a treat.

We struck gold!

Nick's putting the final touches to his coping and i'm about half way through. The weather is amazing today and the end is in sight so i'm really beginning to enjoy myself now. The other corner stone looks perfect too.

Ta-dah! I'm dying to get the coping finished on the other side, but it's forecast rain tomrrow, just going to have to do it one night next week...

When this wall is finished, so will be these pants.

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