We kind of overdid it on the beer-reward yesterday so we are all feeling a bit tired today. Luckily the weather is amazing and Stu and Sal are ripping through at great speed again in no time.

Stu has nearly completed another course. I was supposed to be giving him a hand with that gap on the left but I got sidetracked. I've still not fixed it.

When we raised the string for Stuart's next course I measured it and there are only 9 inches left to go. We have begun to worry that there won't actually be enough stone to finish it.

Another meticulous job from Sal, straight as an arrow.

Back to my personal nightmare, I don't know if this is cheating or whether it is part of the tradition of using whatever materials are to hand but I had a few concrete paving slabs that needed using up. I hope they are okay to build on top of.

Zo was working from the wall out to meet Sal in the middle, she was working super-fast as well, i'm lucky to have a gang of such amazing craftsmen.

Zoe reached the bus! This is going to be the eventual height of the wall, we've not decided on the coping yet - I don't know whether we will have any decent stone left by the time we get to the top, so might have to get some more from the quarry.

I got a couple of pieces in on my wall-end by the end of the day, i've got quite a way to go but it's an alright start and I feel a bit more positive about it than I did yesterday morning when I started.

woah, you worked until it got dark. impressed!
Looking good - show us the drawings and where the BBQ is going to go!
I'm going to build a BBQ / firepit / pizza oven combo which will look be modelled on Yoda's house on Dagobah. I haven't drawn it yet.
Well Done Y'all!!!
This Wall will be really come into it's own tomorrow methinks...
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